Saturday, July 31, 2010

Japan: Part 2 - Shopping! My favourite shops!

The BEST invention in Japan are the fixed price shops! Besides the ubiquitous 100 yen shops, there are the even more fabulous 300 yen shops!! Seriously, everytime you see a 300 yen fixed price shop, walk in!!! It’s so so so fun, and filled with things that are super value-for-money, and which you never realized you needed until you saw it there^^.

Note: There's 5% tax, so a 100 yen item will cost 105 yen, while a 300 yen item will cost 315 yen etc etc.

3 Coins

This has quite a number of branches, all over Japan. I saw it in Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto... aaaaaah, I bought so many things from them, pretty crayon-esque chopsticks, gorgeous mirrors, foldable trolley bag with wheels, flower hairbands, pretty ruffled umbrellas etc etc. Each shop may carry slightly different stuff, so go into each one you see!

Smart life market

Carries similar stuff as 3 Coins, has a few outlets, one of which is in Tokyo Station.

Paris Kids

Lots of sparkly, pretty accessories e.g. necklaces, hairbands, hair extensions etc. Doesn’t have a lot of standalone shops, but a lot of fixed-price shops carry their products. There's an outlet at Takeshita-dori, bursting with Japanese schoolgirls cooing over their products.

One Price- You You

I spotted this shop in Shinjuku. It has quite nice, girly stuff.

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